Your address will show here +12 34 56 78

Please make sure team members are set up first
To share ALL your notes to your team, check the option in the team menu:
Alternatively, you could share individual notes by clicking the share icon.
type '@team member' in the note, there will be an email to notify your team member. Team member can click 'reply' button in the email to directly act on.
The files can be attached to the notes. All uploaded files are automatically shared by the links.
View team member's notes :
Add comments for team member.
Add regular notes for the team member.(Team members need to open all permissions)
You can also see the notes of team member in the SGN sidebarHow to user sidebar?
The share permissions can beturned off in the preferences menu:
You can share single email to team members. (After mention team member, it will also be automatically shared to team members)
Mobile App

1. Please make sure team members are set up first, and the share permissions are turned on.

2. Team member’s email notes will be shown in the timeline tab

3. Click team member’s email note to get into email note detail, then add commnets for team member.

4. View the comments written by team members.