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How to create opportunity?


1. Click Simple Mobile CRM logo
2. Click 'More' icon
3. Click 'Add Opportunity'
2. Edit opportinity name
3. Click the opportunity to enter the opportunity detail.
or: Click 'project' in the menu, then click  'sample' project to enter opportunity detail.
4: All emails, notes and contacts will be moved to the new project
5: Migrate  opportunity , add note for the opportunity, or add to-do for the opportunity.
6: Count the number of unfinished to-dos, related contacts and notes in the opportunity.
When we synchronize the note, we can also create a opportunity for this note
Mobile App

1. Click “+” icon in the oppty tab

2. Opportunity can be created through these six methods


There three types of users in CRM team: team owner, team admin and team user.

The first ever user who started the invitation automatically becomes the team owner, team owner has the right to invite or kick out team members.

During invitation, the users are invited as team admin or team users. The only difference between the two is team admin could further invite others, but team admin has no right to kick out others.

Finally, only the team members could set up the share permissions for themselves, even team owners could not change sharing permissions of others.