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About Share Page
The project picker will be shown when clicking on the 'share to CRM' button, if corresponding setting is enabled.

Alternatively, you could open the project picker by pressing 'shift' key while click the share button.
In the popup window, enable the setting of 'automatically sync new notes' if you want all future SGN notes to immediately go to CRM.
If this settings is turned off, you need to click the share icon every time to share to note to CRM.
Here you could select which project will contain this note.
The related contacts of the email are shown in this section. After a contact is selected, all future emails with this contact will be linked to the selected project, during auto share.
You could also turn this note into a to-do and associate it with this project
After the todo i created, you can see the to-do on the project details page and the to-do list